What we
are all about

It is about the horse and the people who make these horse their life.

I defy anyone to stand near a thoroughbred, look it in the eye, watch it’s movement as muscles dance underneath a gleaming coat and not be moved, mesmerised, lost in the moment.

Then to share in the connection with them and the people who care for them; trainer’s, rider’s owners, vets, strappers.

From standing with your homebred in a box before a race at Geelong on a Friday to watching your blueblood getting strapped before competing in the Queen Elizabeth Stakes at Randwick during the Championships, these moments in time are filled with meaning.

You will understand what I am saying instantly; or you will not. If you do then you will understand that St. Simon has been established to create these moments, these connections that are life changing and life giving.

We at St. Simon have individually and through our personal company Arro RB have been lucky enough to experience this racing journey.

We have been invited beyond the velvet rope and we want to invite you to join us.